Monday, March 27, 2006

One less burr under my saddle

So, I took a full-length practice Lit GRE yesterday: 230 questions in 2 hours and 50 minutes.

Sweet sassy molassey, that's a load o' literature. Somewhere around #150, weariness crept into my resolve, a feeling similar to that of driving from Colorado to Iowa and suddenly realizing that you've got all of Nebraska yet ahead. I made that journey by car approximately a zillion times during college, and I knew that when that feeling came upon me, it was time for a giant fountain Diet Coke. Ahhh...

Crisp refreshment 'twas not to be mine yesterday. So I soldiered on, and did much, much better than I had expected. So much better, in fact, that I feel unburdened and confident for the exam on Saturday. It's not an impossibility! Although I did misidentify passages by Donne and Whitman, two of the most distinctive writers EVER. Seriously. I figured, hey, those answers are too easy; surely the correct answers are Walter Pater and H.D., respectively. I told Manfriend (also an English nerd) about this, and he just laffed and laffed. I guess you had to be there.

Things I still don't know very well:
- Greek and Roman mythology
- any grammatic definitions beyond your basic verb, noun, adjective, adverb
- what the fuck a "lamia" is (I'd like to think it's what the popular labia call the uncool labia, but that's probably wrong)


Blogger Diversey said...

Lamias are those snake chicks that you have to fight in Final Fantasy.

4:30 PM  

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